Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lost on "Lost"

I love "Lost" - usually.

I've watched it since pretty early on and have been white knuckling it for a while. I hung in there for last season, which was a little rocky and I'm trying to stick with them to finish it all out. I admit, though, they're testing me.

Okay, so the island moves not-so-randomly through time. Or is it the people moving? Eh, who knows? Dead people come back to life on a fairly regular basis. Or do they? People disappear for months/years on end and then reappear in perfectly good health. That's normal, right?

So why does it bother me that not only was John Locke's still dead body recovered, but at the same time he was 100 yards away helping Ben kill Jacob who has been around for quite some time but still appears to be less than 40 years old. Whew. It was all just a little too easy.

Oh, don't get me wrong. It was cool, but my mind is a little like scrambled eggs right now.

---------My scene interpretation-----------------------

Ben to Jacob: Grrrr. You never talked to me. You never showed yourself to me.

Jacob: Well, I was a little busy traveling through time and all over the world trying to talk to these yahoos on the plane and keep them on the straight and narrow, or arrange hit and runs, or offer support when injured, or grab a candy bar from a thieving vending machine. So, I had a few things on my plate.

Ben: Well, I didn't like it. Die! Die!

Jacob: Aww, man! By the way, they're coming.

John: Just for good measure, I'm going to push you in this conveniently placed fire pit too.

Ben: Wait, what did he say? Who's coming?

Then, there's Juliet. She's a little manic and totally indecisive, but she's not a bad lady. She gets totally shafted (heh heh) and falls what seems like really far down a shaft because she somehow got lassoed by a piece of chain when the magnetic stuff started to happen. (For the record, I know I'm not being particularly technical here, but cut me some slack.) So, she falls down this really long shaft and ends up bruised and bloodied, but no broken back, neck or anything. She starts hitting the undetonated nuclear weapon with a rock to make it explode. Sure, no problem.

That's just a little of what was on last night's episode. I still have it on my DVR so that I can torture myself, I mean, watch it again. I don't know why I can suspend reality for all of the other insanity that goes on with this show. I know it's sci-fi and it's still more believable than "The Hills" but this was a tough one to get my head around.

So, I will be there next year trying to find out how this whole package gets wrapped and tied with a bow. One thing is for sure, it won't be boring.

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