Monday, August 3, 2009

Life Is Too Short

It happened again.

Someone that I know, the daughter of a good friend, died way too early. And again, I start to wonder about the choices I have made and what God's will is.

None of us know how long we have in this life to be with our loved ones, to make our mark on this world. Most of us live life as though we have countless days remaining to say what we want to say and do what we want to do. We let our priorities get skewed and take people we love for granted. It doesn't make us bad people, but it has the potential to cause hurt where we never intended.

We often live our lives as though we have time to life the life we planned for ourselves. As though we will all live to a ripe old age in excellent health and prosperity. It's not until we're slapped in the face with our own reality or the reality of those we care about that we even pause to re-evaluate the progress we're making toward our goals.

At what point do you decide that this path has come to an end? When do we decide that goals are not being met and it's time to find the other path somehow hidden by the forest? Is there a final event that forces decisions or is just a reflection on the culmination of events? Maybe you just reflect on your progress and realize you haven't made much of it at all.

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