Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mixed Emotions

It's certainly a historic day as we welcome in our 44th and first African American president. However, today, my thoughts are much closer to home.

On Saturday night in a residential area of the New Orleans French Quarter at 8:00pm, a 39 year old bartender was shot and by killed armed robbers. Two of them were 15 year olds and the other was only 14. It's only 4 blocks from where I spend a great deal of time and it's in an area that seems relatively safe. And did I mention that they are 15 and 14? Holy crap!

Now I know that many people who are not from New Orleans will think that there is no such thing as a safe part of this city. I've grown up here and I can tell you that there are most certainly some really dangerous areas but there are also areas where you can walk your dog at midnight and not worry about who may be lurking in the shadows.

As our country celebrates the unprecedented changes about to occur in the nation's capital, I just hope for peace right here in my hometown. This city and the people here have been through a lot. We don't stay because we are ignorant or lazy. We stay because we love this city and the other people who work and live here and hope to help this beautiful place fulfill her potential.

My favorite quote is one from a local newspaper writer named Chris Rose. (If you've never read anything by him, I highly recommend it: His book and his newspaper articles.) "I have discovered that the only thing worse than being in New Orleans these days is not being in New Orleans. "

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